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This piece of art is currently being made for online literary magazine, The Rational Creature, and their cover contest. It is an exploration of Filipina femininity, as well as how the westernized society essentially rejects non Anglo-Saxon artworks and does not give notice to it.


I typically use sketchbook paper for my artwork; in this case, I did in the first step using graphite pencils. However, later on, I did eventually use digital media for my artwork. Using ibisPaint x on the iPad, I continuously worked on it for 4 days straight. The reference for the face was Filipina actress Nadine, whereas the body reference was a stock image.


I plan to eventually plant Filipino culturally significant objects in the background, such as a mancala.



Shortly thereafter the peer critique, my friend made a point of how the idea of Filipino culture was no prevalent enough in the picture. I realized then I could not draw a mancala, so I decided to draw a rendition of the Philippine flag on the woman's body. I was originally going to do the flag behind the woman, however, my friend said that in the way the figure is positioned with her arms over her chest and her face being off to the side rather than in front, it seems like she's shy about something. I decided to relate it to my own experience about being shy about my Filipino culture until I eventually decided to open up about it.


Again, ibisPaint X on the iPad was used to finish this drawing. The Philippine flag was used a reference. 


La Estrella will be a puppetry figure.


This piece of work will be made as the base of the main character for a stop motion film I will be working on. It is based off of what my great grandmother looked like in her thirties, as well as inspiration from Webtoon comics such as Lore Olympus, Edith, and Lord Have Mercy for their unique styles and sharp looks.


What originally started out as what was supposed to be a felt figure ended up as a plan to use gauge wire to create a figure out of continuous lines. Pictures no. 1 and no. 2 are what the felt figure was originally supposed to be; picture no. 3 is the now planned version of what the stop motion figure will look like. Because I bought $25 worth of felt, I do plan on incorporating it into the wire figure as well - mainly out of spite and the stubbornness to return it, but it's okay.


No. 2 pencils were used for these sketches.


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